Gypsy Traveler Roma Showmen & Boaters Pledge
Nelson College London (NCL) supports the Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boaters Pledge.
Nelson College London commits to providing educational opportunities for students from the Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boaters backgrounds.
What is the GTRSB Pledge?
The Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boaters (GTRSB) Pledge in higher education consists of a firm commitment by the college to undertake certain steps to support GTRSB students access and succeed in higher education.
What is the purpose of the GTRSB Pledge?
The Office for Students (OfS) has highlighted that pupils from a GTRSB background do least well at school compared to all other ethnic groups, which reduces their opportunity to access higher education.
NCL has embedded widening participation into its mission statement. We aim to offer access to higher education to people from the widest range of backgrounds. Access to higher education enables them to transform their lives and creates equal opportunity for them to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in their chosen career path.
What does the Pledge mean for the college and its processes?
NCL will be entitled to use the GTRSB Higher Education logo in publicity materials, e.g., in relation to widening participation and access activities, or on our institutional marketing materials.
The college will hold regular staff training sessions with key staff to ensure appropriate support is provided and raise awareness of the needs of GTRSB students and staff.
The college commits to monitoring the number of students from the GTRSB background, and this number is included in the reporting of recruitment numbers, which is reviewed by the college's Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee and the Student Access and Success Steering Group. The college aims to continue increasing the number of students from the Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boaters communities every year. The college will continue to find solutions to barriers to entry for students from the GTRSB communities to ensure relevant support is available.
NCL will have a student lead from the GTRSB background who will work with the key named contacts to ensure relevant support is provided.
The college will continue to ensure that staff recognise that visibility and awareness of the GTRSB communities in higher education institutions are essential in reducing barriers to access, success, and progress and supporting students by creating a welcoming and inclusive environment.
Please see the following pages for information on further support available to you:
Team Members
Shenaz Patel
Widening Participation Officer
Shamshar Rahman
Marketing and Recruitment Manager
Petra Aksu
Marketing and Recruitment Assistant Manager
Tatiana Russell
HR / Student Welfare Manager